Season 107 Episode 3613
S1E17 - The Productivity Trifecta: High-performance, Low-stress, Effective selling
Once in a while, you meet someone and you know they are a potential rock star and blessed with many talents.
Our guest, Lila Veronica, is all about helping you attain optimum performance, be effective at sales, then ground yourself to destress and enjoy life.
As a leader, she will share some ways to accomplish these valuable skills.
You will enjoy her holistic approach - I call her the 5 Elements Coach.
As a Speaker, Coach and CEO of The Riverstone Movement School, Lila Veronica helps #highperformers, #businessowners & organizational #leaders shift the physical component of their life. She integrates #mindfulness & embodiment into your business-mastery journey, so you can reach a greater potential faster without stressing or burning out.
Lila has taught mind-body practices for over 20 years and holds a global vision to connect and uplift visionary leaders around the world. She teaches leaders energetic and strategic practices so they can bring their visions to the world faster. Her simple sales system has generated over $2 million in sales for her and her clients.
Through her work, Lila has personally mentored leaders on all 7 continents.