The Coaches Lounge with Barbara Beckley (05th of August 2022)
"You do not want to miss this show on 8/5 @ 8:00 a.m. CST./9:00 a.m. EST.
We will be having two amazing coaches. First, Ms. Simran Sondhi, Simran Simran is A Seer, Guide, and Transformation Oracle. Her life mission is about empowering you to live your best life, on your terms, and doing what comes naturally to you.
Second, we will have Ms. Amy Schoen, Amy is the Founder and Principle of Motivated to Marry Coaching. Amy Schoen is a nationally recognized dating and relationship expert since 2004. She’s helped hundreds of marriage-minded individuals to find their lifelong mates. And she’s helped early-stage couples create fulfilling and satisfying relationships that lead to greater commitment and marriage.
In 2005, Coach Amy became a certified life coach through the Coaches Training Institute. She then completed Relationship Systems training with The Center for the Right Relationship. Today, she is a Certified Professional Life Coach. She uses her whole life coach training and incredible life experiences to serve her clients. Amy’s clients especially appreciate her empathy and approachable manner. In addition, Amy participates as a member of the International Coach Federation, especially in the DC Metro area.
You can catch the show under e360TV, Roku, YouTube, Apple TV, and Amazon TV Fire among others. you can also catch the show under Barbara Beckley's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/barbara.beckley Or tune in on Barbara Beckley's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DiamondFact. "