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Season 160 Episode 5804

S1 E8 - James Warne - Native American Activist

WARRIOR SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT, LLC Achieve Success Through Balance Motivational Speaker Diversity Management Organizational Development & WSD Productions SERVICES/LECTURES Organizational and Workforce Development - Leadership - Team Building - Native American Motivational Speaker - Partnership Development - Manage Diversity as an Asset - Ignorance by Design - Time Management - Maximize Performance - Life Skills - and much more! WSD PRODUCTIONS WSD Productions was created to produce documentary films. Jim is an actor, stuntman, writer and producer in the film industry. WSD Productions produced Jim's story & lecture, "7th Generation", and has won 20 awards worldwide. Jim's lectrure, Ignorance by Design is in pre-production for a documentary mini-series. Look for more films in development by WSD Productions.  

