Season 53 Episode 9725
S1 E78 - When the Sh*t Hits The Fan, Here's How To Restore Your Peace
When you are faced with chaos and challenges in life, it is easy to get caught up in the cycle of despair. Losing faith and hope at times is a mechanism of your mind that keeps you the same. When you are too concerned about your problems and the future, you leave no room for the miraculous or higher vibrations of experiencing life. Join Goldyn in this fascinating episode that will not only enlighten you on a higher path but also send you an energetic transmission to up-level you to live life in a stronger faith and trust in what is transpiring. When you feel off and concerned with how the world is turning out you are not standing in the power you have to create. Listen to this episode and allow yourself to be tuned back into what's important, what's real, and what you can do about every and all situations.