VOC 275 | The Courage to Create Healthy Organizations | Erin Pillman | Ken D Foster

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VOC 275 | The Courage to Create Healthy Organizations | Erin Pillman | Ken D Foster

#voicesofcourage #kendfoster #ErinPillman
The organization is the key to living a harmonious life. Today we are talking about how to get organized no matter how much chaos is in your life. The extremely unorganized person is a hoarder or someone who really doesn’t care, on the other side is a controlling personalities maybe OCD personalities that have to have everything in the right way... But both extremes are out of balance with themselves and our nature. The organization is the key to creating a productive and happy life. Ken D Foster interviews Organization Expert Erin Pillman.
Website: organized-space.com
Email: ErinPillman@gmail.com
#voicesofcourage #kendfoster #ErinPillman
Listen to the podcast here:
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3Kqzzk5
Itunes: https://apple.co/3qgc9ai
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