Season 251 Episode 8642
The Healing Huminity Show with co-host Senera and Barbara
"SET YOUR TIME: 8:00 p.m. CST/9:00 p.m. EST 9/22.
You will not want to miss this episode of the Heal Humanity Show which brings awareness to worldwide charities making a significant impact in our world and inspiring others to take action in their lives to make a difference.
This evening we are spotlighting two non-profit organizations. first, Velma Kirksey Tarver founder of the global nonprofit called the Institute for Global Outreach (IGO). Its mission is to create awareness of global suffering and find solutions to alleviate the hardships.
Then a recurring guest, Cynthia Gamboa founder of CUPS Bra Drive. And my mission is to work with local organizations that serve women and girls to find access to bras for the homeless.
Watch on the following link: Tune in under YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/DiamondFact "