Season 128 Episode 4813
S5 Ep11 - Igniting Joy in Everyday Life: Mundane Tasks Reimagined TV Show
Ready to declutter yet feeling overwhelmed? Would you like to have more joy and happiness around the mundane tasks?
Infuse joy into your daily tasks with our special guest, Amanda with Happy Sort a soul sister and friend. She'll be sharing her golden nuggets of wisdom that are sure to increase your joy and uplift you.
Yet wait, there's more! I'll lead a guided meditation, activating your vision, abundance, and joy. Elevate your energy, awaken your spiritual gifts, and leave revitalized. This experience is for you, ready to supercharge your health and lift your spirits. Don't miss this uplifting adventure with us!
Heartfelt thanks, Amanda, for your service and love!
Join us this Thursday at 11 am PST on the