Season 128 Episode 4812
S5 Ep12 - Discovering Abundance in Everyday Tasks: Mundane Magic TV Show
Do you want to know the secrets to abundance and infuse your life with energy? Tune in this Thursday at 11:00 a.m. PST to the EnergizeUtv show for an exciting episode: "Discovering Abundance in Everyday Tasks: Mundane Magic."
Our special guest, Patsy Sanders, is on a mission to help you discover more abundance and magic in your life. She'll be sharing her golden nuggets of wisdom that are sure to inspire and uplift. Also a special VIP gift just for you!
Yet, that's not all! Join me as I lead a guided meditation, activating your vision, abundance, and joy. Awaken your spiritual gifts and leave revitalized. This experience is tailor-made for you, promising to ignite your health and lift your spirits.
Don't miss this captivating adventure with us - it's heartfelt, inspiring, and full of love. A big thank you to Patsy for her service and love.
You will want to join us LIVE! The show will be airing on the e360tv Network, The Fresh Takes Channel which can be found on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TV, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Facebook, and YouTube and more.
When I Ignite My Energy, I Ignite My Gifts