Season 144 Episode 5354
S01E13: How A Passion Project Lead to A Great Movie with the Crew from the Traveller’s Fugue Movie
In this episode of the “It Takes COURAGE” TV Show, Dr. Izdihar Jamil and her guests the CREW from the Traveller’s Fudge movie talk about 1) their inspiration behind this movie 2) How they overcame challenges for this project 3) Key ingredients that make a great movie
PLUS a premier of the movie trailer.
Guests: Thom Kuo, Natalie Perez, Jessi Spickard, Kacy Owens
Dr. Izdihar Jamil, Ph.D.—#1 International Bestselling Author of Money Makers, TV Show Host and a Visibiliy Expert—has appeared on FORBES, Fox TV, and TED.com discussing her mission to share women’s voices WITHOUT prejudice. She helps leaders to be the go-to experts in their field with proven and effective methods. She’s also the Curator for TEDxHuntingtonBeach. She lives in California with her husband and children, she loves baking and reading.
More info on Izdihar: www.izdiharjamil.com