Ep 1 - Spotlight Author Dar Geiger
Our Spotlight Author is not other then Dar Geiger a Diamond Beauties Expert and my amazing Sunday MRS Potts. She was also our 1st Illuminated Author in our Diamond Moments Magazine Isse 4. As an add on bonus for being our Illuminated Author another dream of mine come true to have it as a tv show where there is so many more viewers. Dar Geiger I am an Author/Speaker/Joyologist. I work with people who are searching for substance and joy while going through life’s trails and equip them with tools and principles that will empower them when trails occur. / dargeiger1 GN - if what you say, doesn’t come from your heart, it will not reach the listeners. My Vision is To be heart most heart-centred brand to provide experience to fill the world with love, joy and happiness. This is a big dream, thank you for being a part of my vision, mwah! I’m excited to have you on our amazing Soul Diamond Author Journey TV Show, I want this to be an awesome experience, so I want to cover a couple items before we go live. Let me introduce you to my amazing panellist Christa Rose, Laura Ballet, Howard Brown, Buddy Thornton and Randy Blake JR all from the Diamond Beauties Forever and Tanzanite Hero community. As I mentioned, our time together on the show will be streamed across several platforms, including, but not limited to, • Facebook, • YouTube, • Periscope, • Roku, • Amazon Fire • Android TV. Let’s take advantage of this opportunity! The link for your audience/viewers that can watch the show live is The link to our live session https://www.youtube.com/@SelfLoveIgni... Or they can download our amazing networks app E360tv - Android: https://buff.ly/3BSyzzo iOS: https://buff.ly/2VmsGcl Support Opportunity As you have already invested being an Illuminated Author this will be an added value but if you still feel that you would love to support you can through a donation of $50 or more to cover production costs via PayPal or Zelle -slim@Selflove4me.com. Thank you, you for being amazing, mwah! #booksbooksbooks #authorlife #bookclub #author #journey #lifecouching #motiviation #inspiration #educate #inspired #souldiamondauthorsjourney #howardbrown #shiningbrightly #sanetvanbreda #selflove4me #diamondmomentsmagazine #christarose #lauraballet #buddythornton #diamondbeautiesforever #tanzaniteheroes