Season 152 Episode 5561
S1 Ep 13 Cast of Birthday Benefit Show: The Ordered Steps Story
<p>The OSI Birthday Cast will be sharing their gifts with the world all for the purpose of helping someone else become a better person. That is the ultimate goal. Guest reveal how we are also in a process as we are discovering new things about ourselves. Some of the casts are seasoned in their craft and some this their first adventure of this kind. We are going to discuss what it takes to make this all happen, a play, musical entertainment, and the dedication it takes to become Grammy nominated, what tools are needed to stay committed to your dreams even when life looks more like a nightmare. How do we begin a journey of pursuing our dreams? Did you choose poetry or did poetry choose you? These questions will be answered, and conversations will be had about a tough subject and that is what happens when someone’s life goes off track and they need help getting their steps in order.</p>