S2 Ep7 - What Are You Saying to You About You?

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Season 153 Episode 5587

S2 Ep7 - What Are You Saying to You About You?

<p>I was reading an article that included how speaking affects our lives. Negative words have<br />
quietly become an everyday norm. Framing worlds and formulating lives. It is beyond time<br />
to change the narrative. Words are simply thoughts expressed. Once they are released our body is not savvy enough to know which parts it should accept and which parts it should not. Consequently, it accepts everything spoken. The result of what was spoken will show up somewhere. If we speak it will show up through us. Through our behavior. Lets talk about what language we are speaking to ourselves. Empowering or disempowering.<br />
1. It&rsquo;s your girl Stacey Bulluck Host of Tools For Everyday Living and I don&rsquo;t have enough<br />
thank you&rsquo;s to expresses gratitude for having this platform. To transform lives.<br />
2. The host will discuss the lie of sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will<br />
never hurt me.<br />
3. Words could dismantle you. This is worse because no one will see it until we display the<br />
negative behavior of the negative word.<br />
4. What language are you speaking to you? Love and caring or harsh and highly critical.<br />
5. Understanding the power of self-talk.<br />
6. How to be aware that you are doing it.<br />
7. Making sure its positive and not negative.</p>

