Season 68 Episode 2298
Joshua T Berglan on Weekly Dose of Dano
Joshua T Berglan aka The World's Mayor is the Chairman of the Live Mana Worldwide Foundation, Co-Founder of Live Mana Ministries, a Producer, Creative Director, Actor, & Shock-Jock Evangelist. Live Mana Ministries is Church:ReDefined and was founded by Joshua & Jessica Linn to be a voice for the voiceless and to provide a community for those who have been shunned by society, rejected by the church, have been forgotten and left behind. Gratitude:UnFiltered led by Joshua T Berglan is Live Mana’s flagship ministry that was born out of a meth binge that should have ended his life but instead gave him life by putting a spotlight on his shadow world. Joshua is blessed to share his story of overcoming, redemption and restoration while teaching people and providing an opportunity to those of all walks of life how they can live the life God created them to live all over the world. Truly, all are welcome and safe in this community. Join us for this life changing episode on Thursday, December 10th at 6 PM EST!