S3; E13 Sebastian Reyna

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Season 66 Episode 2705

S3; E13 Sebastian Reyna

<p>Sebastian Reyna discovered his passion for writing and illustration when he was nine years old. Back in those days, Sebastian started attending cartooning and illustration classes on weekends at a small art studio. That same year, Sebastian won the "Young Author Award" contest sponsored by JJR Marketing, and with that came the opportunity to publish a book. Sebastian decided to continue with the "Master of Journeys" story and transform the short story into a chapter book He hopes his books can inspire other kids around the world to read, write, imagine, and always believe in themselves. As he always says, "You will never see your dreams come true if you don't have the courage to pursue them." Come listen to his story and bring your positive energy, questions, and ideas Thursday April 14th to support Sebastian!</p>

