S2 Ep8 - Money Intelligence with Karmen Gearhart

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S2 Ep8 - Money Intelligence with Karmen Gearhart

"In today's episode, host Jessica Weaver engages in an empowering conversation with guest Karmen Gearhart, a certified financial planner with a passion for guiding her clients and their families toward financial security. Karmen's journey is one of resilience and determination, as she opens up about her own financial challenges, the transformative power of shifting mindsets, and the satisfaction of attaining financial freedom. Together, Jessica and Karmen explore the emotional, spiritual, and practical aspects of wealth while embracing the empowerment of women in the financial industry. This episode is packed with invaluable insights and inspiring anecdotes that will resonate with anyone on the path to financial independence.
WWB may engage third-party service providers to assist with the estate planning portion of the services provided to clients. In addition, Women's Wealth Boutique is not a law firm, nor are any employees acting in the capacity of an attorney or providing legal advice as Women’s Wealth Boutique is not a law firm and therefore not permitted to practice law."

