Sweet P’s, role as a Certified Loss Recovery Consultant, She is focused on helping people
set achievable goals, create effective ways to handle tough emotions linked to loss, and
develop inner strength to overcome difficulties. Sweet P’s job is to empower individuals,
guiding them to take control of their lives, discover their unique abilities, and build self-
confidence. Through coaching them towards adopting healthier practices to improve both
physical and mental health, leaving behind loss and finally embracing inner peace.
Sweet P. has had many losses in her life, at the age of 33 Sweet P. lost her health and spent over 15 years bedridden due to illness. Sweet P’s illness took her to a very dark place and for the first time in her life Sweet P. could not help herself. Sweet P. illness and the lack of knowledge on how to handle such loss Sweet p. experienced a mental breakdown in 2018, leading to a 6-day stay in a psychiatric ward. Following this, she underwent an 8-week outpatient program and then enrolled in Health Coach Institute (HCI). Her purpose in life is to bring the help to the helpless. Now, Sweet P. is a proficient Certified Loss Recovery Consultant, Sweet P. specializes in aiding individuals dealing with loss in general. Her personal journey to recovery fuels her passion to help others to finally lead a fulfilling life. Outside of coaching, she cherishes time with her grand puppies, dancing, and loving life and most of all loving herself for the first time ever. Sweet P. is rediscovering the world she had to leave behind 20 years ago. Sweet P. believes that if she could achieve recovery, anyone can, and she's dedicated to sharing her system for personal transformation and to help empower those that can not empower themselves. Sweet P. wants to let people know that when it comes to dealing with loss that they are not broken, weird, or unlovable. Most of us were never taught how to handle loss and Sweet P is here to help fill your mental toolbox, because you can’t do a good job without the proper tools. You can’t change a tire without a tire iron, RIGHT?
All my love and full respect,
Sweet P.
“Together, You Got This!”
Favorite Quote,
“Whether, you think you can, or whether, you think you can’t, you’re right either way”
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