Unveiling MLK's Legacy!** -Special Coaches Lounge Show (15th Jan 2024)

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Season 252 Episode 8804

Unveiling MLK's Legacy!** -Special Coaches Lounge Show (15th Jan 2024)

"*Catch the Coaches Lounge Show: Unveiling MLK's Legacy!*
Join Barbara J. Beckley on January 15th at 8:00 a.m. for a dynamic episode covering Martin Luther King's enduring legacy:
1. *Civil Rights Advocacy:* Explore MLK's fight for racial equality.
2. *Nonviolent Resistance:* Learn about impactful nonviolent protests and modern-day tips.
3. *Community Building:* Discover MLK's vision for strong communities and empowerment.
*Tip to Continue the Legacy:* Educate, engage, and foster empathy in your community for a more just world. Don't miss this insightful journey on justice and equality!"

