Season 252 Episode 8801
Walking True Authentic Identity with Guest Shantay Adams (5th Feb 2024)
"Join us for the upcoming Coaches Lounge with Barbara J. Beckley!
Special Guest: Shantay Adams
Date: 2/5/2024
Time: 8:00 a.m. CST
Get ready for an unforgettable experience as we welcome wonderful Shantay Adams
Shantay Adams is a dynamic honey fire lighthouse certified international speaker, author, peer counselor, coach, & Founder & CEO of Fresh New Consulting LLC and Seeker Surrender Life Ministries. She serves by providing Consulting services,
peer counseling, and coaching, and is a licensed minister by grace through faith.
She has a decade of Human Resources, leadership, coaching, teaching, and consulting experience. Serving individuals in business, in the marketplace, and in leadership.
She believes you accomplish more and go further with honey than vinegar.
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the Coaches Lounge with Barbara J. Beckley and our remarkable special guest under www.e360TV.com and Diamond Factor Network YouTube Channel"