VOC S3EP9 | The Courage to Awaken to the Fifth Dimension | Kimberly Meredith | Ken D Foster

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Season 310 Episode 10019

VOC S3EP9 | The Courage to Awaken to the Fifth Dimension | Kimberly Meredith | Ken D Foster

We are excited to hear from today’s guest, Kimberly Meredith. She has been prominently featured on the covers of and within numerous major publications, including Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam, Éclair Magazine, Women Fitness, Preferred Health Magazine, MUPO Magazine, Awareness Magazine, The Life Connection Magazine, Thrive Global, LA Yoga Magazine, and The New York Daily News, The Edge Magazine, The Eden Magazine, and Medium. Kimberly is currently on a nationwide book tour and regularly keynotes at the largest spiritual expos in the world, including the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo, the New Living Expo, and the New Life Expo. She has appeared at the Omega Institute, New York’s OPEN Center, The Life Center of Connecticut, and the RA MA Institute. Kimberly is a recurring speaker at Jack Canfield seminars and Heaven and Earth Oasis, a non-profit organisation serving the Veterans Administration. A healer like no other, Kimberly Meredith bridges the gap between God and science.

Show Benefits:
~ Learn about psychic abilities
~ Improve spiritual awareness
~ Gain insight into health and healing
~ Understand channeling

Broadcast Bio:
Kimberly Meredith is a world-renowned celebrity medical intuitive medium, healer, global influencer with AAE Speakers, media personality, cover model, leading spiritual speaker, successful life coach, and the bestselling author of Awakening to the Fifth

Dimension: Discovering the Soul’s Path to Healing. Blessed with a unique array of extraordinary healing and psychic abilities, Kimberly has helped thousands of people from around the world improve from all manner of significant illnesses and emotional conditions through the Holy Spirit. Kimberly also connects with those who have crossed over to bring messages to the living. Kimberly received her miraculous gifts of healing and mediumship from the Holy Spirit following two Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), from which she returned with a mission to bring healing to the world. Kimberly channels messages through her eyes’ blinking codes as a tool of communication from God.

#voicesofcourage #kendfoster #KimberlyMeredith #channeling #healing #psychic #mediumship #spirituality #connectedness


Social Media Handles:
Instagram: instagram.com/meredith.kimberly
Facebook: facebook.com/kimberlymeredith11
X: https://x.com/healingtrilogy
Youtube: / @kimberlymeredithchannelsth7152

Youtube: • #VOC S3EP9 | The Courage to Awaken to...
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Spotify: https://shorturl.at/beNwR
Apple Podcast: https://shorturl.at/rmROg
Facebook: facebook.com/VoicesofCourageRadio
Instagram: instagram.com/voicesofcourage.us
Twitter: twitter.com/KennethFoster
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/kendfoster
Voices of Courage: voicesofcourage.us
Ken D Foster: kendfoster.com
Time Code
00:00 Show Start
00:36 Host Monologue
02:55 Commercial
04:07 Guest Commentary
16:59 Commercial
21:12 Guest Commentary
31:41 Commercial
35:53 Guest Commentary
45:55 Commercial
48:38 Guest Commentary
55:36 Host Close
55:53 Credits
56:24 Close

