Healit S1E24 | Heal It Through Spiritual Arts | Gavin Frye and Joy Clarissa Taylor | Ken D Foster

To activate you and your partner’s unconscious unresolved issues for healing is our topic today as Ken D Foster interviews Relationship Experts Gavin Frye and Joy Clarissa Taylor. We will explore how to have the most extraordinary relationships and use Intimacy as a spiritual practice for transformation.
Gavin and Joy are beloved partners with over sixty years of combined study, practice, and teaching in the healing and spiritual arts. Both authors and seasoned presenters are thrilled to be combining their unique gifts and specialties to support conscious individuals and couples with a call

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Healit S1E24 | Heal It Through Spiritual Arts | Gavin Frye and Joy Clarissa Taylor | Ken D Foster

To activate you and your partner’s unconscious unresolved issues for healing is our topic today as Ken D Foster interviews Relationship Experts Gavin Frye and Joy Clarissa Taylor. We will explore how to have the most extraordinary relationships and use Intimacy as a spiritual practice for transformation.
Gavin and Joy are beloved partners with over sixty years of combined study, practice, and teaching in the healing and spiritual arts. Both authors and seasoned presenters are thrilled to be combining their unique gifts and specialties to support conscious individuals and couples with a calling to create profoundly fulfilling intimate relationships. Gavin brings experience as a licensed spiritual therapist and leadership mentor. Joy weaves a diverse background as a guide and facilitator of A Women’s Way of Awakening, intuitive business strategist, licensed massage therapist, and yoga instructor.
#healit #kendfoster #GavinFrye #JoyClarissaTaylor
Gavin Frye (Social Media):
Facebook: facebook.com/gavin.frye.98
Instagram: instagram.com/gavinjamesfrye
Youtube: youtube.com/@gavinfrye938
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/gavin-frye
Joy Clarissa Taylor (Social Media):
Facebook: facebook.com/JoyTaylorInspired
Youtube: youtube.com/@joytaylorinspired
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/joy-clarissa-taylor
Ken D Foster (Social Media):
Facebook: facebook.com/kendfoster1
Twitter: twitter.com/KennethFoster
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/kendfoster
Heal It (Social Media):
Facebook: facebook.com/healitshowofficial
Instagram: instagram.com/healitofficial
Youtube: youtube.com/@healitofficial
Youtube: https://youtu.be/xztCo3zyVVw
Spotify: https://shorturl.at/itzX3
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iHeart: https://shorturl.at/aktH7
