Healit S1E30 | How to Transform Anxiety into Peace | Julie Potiker | Ken D Foster

Julie Potiker developed her SNAP method, a simple four-step process to calm anxiety, worry, and other troubling emotions that people can practice anywhere, tune in as Ken D Foster explores the truth about where anxiety comes from with Author Julie Potiker.
Julie Potiker is a mindfulness expert with extensive certifications and teacher training in a variety of tools and methods, including Mindful Self-Compassion. Her new book is “SNAP! From Chaos to Calm.” Through her Mindful Methods for Life program offerings, Julie helps others bring more peace and wellness into their lives. Julie's firs

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Healit S1E30 | How to Transform Anxiety into Peace | Julie Potiker | Ken D Foster

Julie Potiker developed her SNAP method, a simple four-step process to calm anxiety, worry, and other troubling emotions that people can practice anywhere, tune in as Ken D Foster explores the truth about where anxiety comes from with Author Julie Potiker.
Julie Potiker is a mindfulness expert with extensive certifications and teacher training in a variety of tools and methods, including Mindful Self-Compassion. Her new book is “SNAP! From Chaos to Calm.” Through her Mindful Methods for Life program offerings, Julie helps others bring more peace and wellness into their lives. Julie's first book, “Life Falls Apart, but You Don’t Have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos," is now available on audiobook. Learn more at MindfulMethodsForLife.com.
#healit #kendfoster #JuliePotiker
Julie Potiker (Social Media):
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/julie-potiker-547b65a8
Book: amzn.in/d/34YLNOi
Ken D Foster (Social Media):
Facebook: facebook.com/kendfoster1
Twitter: twitter.com/KennethFoster
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/kendfoster
Heal It (Social Media):
Facebook: facebook.com/healitshowofficial
Instagram: instagram.com/healitofficial
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