Season 351 Episode 13418
The Courage to Heal Series | Master Sha | Ken D Foster | Nadia Rose S1E3
Are you ready to heal all areas of your life? No matter if you have chronic illnesses or areas of your life that you are stuck, tune in to Voices of Courage and learn to see the unseeable, know the unknowable and do the impossible
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Master Zhi Gang Sha is a Tao grandmaster, healer, teacher, and author of 30 books, including 11 New York Times bestsellers and several others on the bestseller lists of the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Amazon. He has an MD degree in Western medicine from China and is also a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Master Sha has combined the essence of Western medicine with ancient wisdom to create Soul Mind Body Medicine®, Master Sha’s Soul Healing®, and Tao teachings to help humanity. He is a grandmaster of several Asian arts and in 2002 was named Qigong Master of the Year at the Fourth World Congress on Qigong. With the creation of Tao Calligraphy, he received the highest honors a Chinese calligrapher can receive, being appointed to the position of National Chinese Calligrapher Master as well as Honorable Researcher Professor by the State Ethnic Academy of Painting in Beijing, China
Nadia Rose has been practicing wellness and quantum energy healing for over 25 years, making her a seasoned practitioner in the field. She's a certified happiness coach, therapeutic art life coach, and has studied and practiced various energy and wellness modalities extensively. She's spent her life dedicated to helping people overcome a range of health, relationship, financial, and general life challenges using her mastery of different modalities. Nadia Rose's success in healing and transforming people's lives has earned her a reputation as one of the most sought-after wellness practitioners in the industry. She also volunteers her skills at hospitals, schools, and orphanages, sharing her wisdom and knowledge with others through Tao Calligraphy. Nadia's expertise extends to Akashi Record reading sessions, meditation, and trainings for aspiring healers. She offers both in-person and remote Tao Calligraphy writing and meditation classes and healing sessions to help improve health, finances, and relationships. Above all, Nadia has a passion for guiding individuals on their journey towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Her work has been life-changing for many, making her an inspirational figure to many who seek her guidance.