S1E5 Skits & Quibbles HOST: The Groovie Bunch

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Season 109 Episode 3801

S1E5 Skits & Quibbles HOST: The Groovie Bunch

What’s hot and British…not the weather that’s for sure, but if you’re in need of a laugh on a rainy day, The Groovie Bunch is here with more Skits and Quibbles to brighten your night! (Oh I don’t write the jokes!)

In this week’s show we're proud to present

Your Host: Gordana Micic

/ gordiebalkangirl

/ grooviecomedy

It’s NEW comedy fresh from the UK, every Thursday night 20:00PST/23:00EST/04:00GMT - Friday mornings!!)

This show features sets from:

Marina Joy

/ marinajoycomedy

/ @marinajoy5814

Andrew Dipple

/ andrewdipplecomedy

Dillon Harris

/ dillonscreations

/ dillontheharris

and Headliner Desmond Feehily


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