Season 110 Episode 10118
S2E9 – Skits & Quibbles The Spotlight Series. FEATURING Rosie Ripple
Get into the front row for this awesome night of comedy!!
Comedian and Writer Rosie Ripple presents her one woman show “HOT POTATO” as beleaguered host Maureen O’Clamp dives into the world of wellness with special guests Guinevere Palo Alto, Dr Anton – the Colon Whisperer, Azar Woman, and Blessed-Be of The Yoga Kitchen – plus a sensual meditation from Leonora Lightbodice…all played by Rosie herself.
…and we have to give a shout out to the editing of this piece by Dr Audrey Tang!!
HOST: Precocious Lotus (aka Dr Audrey Tang)
Rosie Ripple
(and for more about Maureen O’Clamp and guests: https://rosewadham.com/radio-frome-fm/ )