Season 68 Episode 2308
S1 E9 LaChelle Adkins
What is life like for a 49 year old woman who has been married to Jerome Adkins for 27 years, who is a retired Major in the United States Army and Pastor of the World Fellowship of Jesus Christ and parents of 15 children? It has been adventurous to say the least. Raised as an only child, the transition to staying home and walking away from a career was a hard one to make. The anxiety of doing everything right, pleasing others and seeking validation led to a life of depression that resulted in 3 hospitalizations. However, that period of 13 years of battling depression led to a personal journey to find self. No longer liking the victim mindset, LaChelle now has collaborated with authors and shared her strategy of success in overcoming depression in 2 books this year. She is now an inspirational speaker, lifestyle designer and podcast host to empower women to find their voice and be proactive in their mental wellness.