You can have a great product or service, and if no one knows about it, they can’t buy it. So, no one benefits.
Are you just starting a business or do you have an established business but are struggling to promote and grow your business? My special guest, Steve Ramona, the host of the #1 small business podcast, “Doing Business with a Servant’s Heart” shares his wonderful insights and decades of experience to grow and build a successful business by building relationships, asking how can I help or support you, offerings value to everyone we meet, and building networks that support, nurture, and bring value to our personal and professional growth and success.
Steve Ramona discovered his calling at a young age and is now on a mission to share his secret sauce for success. He thrives on forging meaningful connections, sharing referrals, and watching people flourish.
His contagious passion for the Law of Increase makes his podcast "Doing Business with a Servant's Heart" so successful. This show is chock-full of inspiring stories about overcoming challenges and serving others.
Steve has a knack for spreading good vibes and elevating those around him. He learned from his dad that the entrepreneurial spirit is a great way to make money. I can share stories of how people serve, struggle, and win. We must overcome something, so why not learn to serve and overcome it much faster? I learned early in our Health Club the importance of customer service. I knew the more I served, the more it was a win-win for everyone. I enjoy working with people, referring people, and helping people grow. The Law of Increase is my mission when I network around the world.
I love to mentor businesspeople and offer all the resources I have. To win, you must grow yourself first; then, you can share this with others! I am an avid reader.
At Pantheon.FM We are gathering 1,000 of the world's leaders to train them up as thought leaders who provide meaningful content and services to the world and link arms with them to wage war on entrepreneurial poverty...and we're WINNING!
Favorite Quotes
• “Get better 1% everyday. How much better will you be at the end of the year?”
• “Your Network is your NET WORTH.”
• “Having an bad day, go out and serve someone.”
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Imagine being told by 5 neurologists that you were going to die from a brain tumor in 6-12 months, and there was nothing they could do to help you. Faced with this shocking, devastating diagnosis at 33-years old, my special guest, Sandi Gold, was wracked by fear; but in the next moment, she was enveloped by “this incredible love” energy coming from her art work. At that moment, she chose love over fear, chose love energy to guide her healing and lead her to health practitioners that listened and supported her approach, and chose to trust her body’s wisdom to heal. Sandi used love to guide her in her quest to live life to the fullest.
Sandi Gold repeatedly achieved what doctors defined as the impossible. Almost 40 years later, she shares her healing journey from brain illness, side effects of her life-saving treatment, and family trauma in her new book, “I Chose Love.” Ms. Gold is also an artist, a certified expressive arts specialist, and was featured on ABC’s News Show 20/20, profiled in People Magazine, The New York Times, Boston Globe, USA Today and in hundreds of newspapers throughout the country. She’s been interviewed on National Public Radio and Connecticut Public Radio and been a speaker at academic institutions, including Brown University, and many hospitals and schools.
#love #healing #empowerment #loveyourself #trust #healingjourney #brainhealth #DDLSS #DrDurrsLivingInTheSweetSpot #loveheals #loveenergy #trust #selflove #selfcare #compassion #healthandwellness #wellness #selfhealing #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindbodymedicine #intuitivehealing #holistichealing #mindfulness #spirituality #spiritualawakening #awareness #wisdom #spiritualwellness
Each and every one of us want to matter! We want to be seen for who we truly are, and we want to be heard. When we feel invisible, it’s painful! We tell our stories in an effort to be understood, to be valued, to know that we matter. We tell the story of our loved ones and the society for the same reasons and to leave a legacy of our values, standards, accomplishments, hope, and resiliency for the inevitable hard times and losses. Storytelling enables us to see ourselves in each other and them in us. Through this bridge of connection and understanding, we can overcome differences, transcend indifference, and see our shared humanity.
My special guest, John W. Fountain, an award-winning columnist, journalist, professor of journalism, a 2021-22 Fulbright Scholar, and publisher of five books, the latest, “One in a Million: Diary of a Freed Black Journalist” discusses:
• The Black church’s influence on his development as a storyteller
• The significant impact of our stories upon those who hear them and its generational legacy
• His motivation to write stemmed in part from the false perceptions and narratives about African-American men
• The importance of speaking your authentic truth and maintaining your perspective
• Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to make visible the humanity of the marginalized or “those who linger in the shadows”
• The need to tell our stories when mainstream media remains silent
• Writing tips for beginners including accepting your writing imperfections
“Write your story. Tell your story because no one is more qualified to tell your story than you are. Tell your story.” ~ John W. Fountain
#DDLSS #DrDurrLivingInTheSweetSpot #storytelling #YouMatter #YourStoryMatters #writingtips #sharedhumanity #humanity #storyteller #journalism #blackjournalist #blackjournalism #God #BlackChurch #COGIC #spirituality #mentalhealth #mentalwealth #mindbodyspirit #socialjustice #racialequity #legacy #wellnessexpert #transformation #personaldevelopment #humanpotential #motivation #empowerment #growthmindset
Racism has a profound negative impact on our mental and physical health. It affects children and adults, leading to illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of cancer.
With my special guest, LaMarr Darnell Shields, PhD, the Founder and Senior Director of Education and Innovation at the Cambio Group, and author of “Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There: 65 Days of Meditation to Transform Your Life,” we discuss:
• racism’s harmful impact on children’s development and mental health,
• how racism alters our genes and causes illness in adults and children,
• how mindfulness decreases implicit bias and overeating,
• how meditation and mindfulness connect you to your deeper sacred self and the sacred in everything, enabling you to counteract the life-threatening health effects of racism.
Meditation and mindfulness can literally save your life!
#meditation #mindfulness #mentalhealth #meditate #awareness #brainhealth #selfcare #selflove #blackchildren #education #BlackHistoryMonth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #DDLSS #epigenetics #blackwomen #blackmen #stress #stressrelief #stressmanagement #inflammation #cortisol #microaggression #adversechildhoodexperiences #teachingstrategies #BlackLivesMatter #racismandmentalhealth #empowerment #mindbodyspirit #racism #health #racialequality #blackempowerment #racialdiscrimination #DEI #socialjustice #bethechange #resilience #personaldevelopment #relaxation #mentalwealth #healthandwellness #mythofrace #scienceofrace
Many people value taking care of their loved ones but see taking care of themselves as selfish or a luxury they don’t have time for. But how do you take care of someone else if you’re sick or struggling? You can’t give what you don’t have.
My guests, Bridgette Arnett, MD, PhD., Board certified in Neurology, Neurophysiology and Sleep Medicine; and Mawusi Arnett, MD, MPH, Board certified in Family Medicine and Obesity Medicine, discuss the emotional, mental, and physical barriers to optimal self-care. Plus self-compassion and an EMS (emergency medical service) tool box are essential for quality self-care, empowering you to give the best quality care to those who matter to you most.
• Why caregivers and some professionals ignore their self-care and work to the point of exhaustion
• What is chronic inflammation, some causes, and how it wreaks havoc on the body?
• Which emotions, mindset, and mental or physical illnesses can contribute to self-neglect
• How sleep apnea can stop your breathing up to 120 times per hour, which can severely impact health with the potential to lead to dementia
• How sleep deprivation is a major contributor to self-neglect, illness, and can reach the level of a DUI
• EMS Wellness Superpowers for daily self-care habits for brain and body health
• Ultra-processed foods, which make up 60-70% of our entire food system, are factory foods filled with industrial ingredients that are pro-inflammatory
#DDLSS #DrDurrsLivingInTheSweetSpot #MawusiArnett #BridgetArnettMDPhD #mentalhealth #medicine #selfcare #brainhealth #health #selfcompassion #EMS #toolbox #Tired #TiredOfBeingTired #healthandwellness #healthychoices #stressrelief #inflammation #ultraprocessedfoods #nutrition #vitamins #exercise #empowerment #shame #WellnessSuperPowers #sleepapnea #sleep #dementia #blackdoctors #personaldevelopment
If you’re sick and aren’t finding help or healing from traditional medical approaches, then discover the cutting-edge healing potential of energy medicine and the 528 Hz frequency, also known as the love frequency and the healing frequency.
My special guest, Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, a best-selling, award-winning author and filmmaker discusses energy medicine and the 528 Hz frequency—what it is, where’s it’s found, how it works, and how to tap into it to create and sustain health, how to live in love.
#energyhealing #528Hz #healing #energymedicine #love #lovehealing #lovefrequency #energy #healingenergy #loveyourself #selflove #DDLSS #mentalhealth #frequencyhealing #bodyhealing #meditation #mindfulness #wellness #eletroceuticals #spiritual #spirituality #selfcare #brainhealth #health #healthandwellness #healthychoices #healthtips #stressrelief #empowerment #personaldevelopment #528HzMusic #transformation #DrDurrsLivingInTheSweetSpot #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #miracle #miraclehealing