Season 432 Episode 14227
Ep 14 - Natalie McQueen
💎 Spotlight Author: Natalie McQueen 💎 Natalie McQueen is the Founder of Gifts of Legacy and Innovative Creator of “My Talking Journal.” She is a Legacy Publisher who has successfully brought over 1400 authors to the #1 International Bestseller, and she is an 11 Time Bestselling Author herself. As a Legacy Designer, Natalie guides people to share their wisdom of their life stories and heart-felt messages in Legacy books, Family Books, business books, anthologies, and memoirs. Natalie’s mission to elevate entrepreneurs’ voices to inspire the world with their video messages, come through in her unique creation, “My Talking Journal.” / giftsoflegacy Her Motto is “Don’t leave a mess, Leave a Legacy!” Book – Gift of Legacy – Ultimate Blueprint Generations Link - https://www.amazon.com/Gifts-Legacy-U... Discover how to leave a lasting legacy with Natalie McQueen’s “Gifts of Legacy”. This book offers a creative and comprehensive guide to creating, organizing, and sharing your most precious moments, documents, and information with your family and future generations. Through Natalie’s unique system, you’ll learn how to provide your loved ones with eternal gifts of legacy and memories, while also ensuring your family’s peace of mind. Benefits of Reading “Gifts of Legacy”:
What’s Included in the Book:
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