Carrying on a Lasting Legacy with Katie Fasciano

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Season 174 Episode 6307

Carrying on a Lasting Legacy with Katie Fasciano

Hey girlfriends, this episode seriously touched my heart and soul as a Mom.

Join me as I welcome Katie Fasciano, a Mom, Author, and trained level four Seimei Practitioner. Katie shares her journey about her book, "Never Give Up Hope, the little girl who changed the world," which captures the spirit and journey of her daughter, Elizabeth, who lost her battle with cancer.

Katie explains how the book is a way to embody her daughter's legacy and how it can speak for her beyond her time on Earth. We chat about the importance of leaving a legacy and how her experience with her daughter allowed her to step into her passion and purpose in order to leave her legacy behind as well as keeping Katie’s alive! Katie also delves into Seimei, a holistic technique that she discovered during her daughter's battle with cancer. Katie shares how Seimei helped her daughter with her overall wellness and how it became a tool for her own self-care.

This one is not to miss!

To purchase, "Never Give Up Hope, the little girl who changed the world,":

