Former Buffalo Bills Cheerleader Rises From Wheelchair to Run Marathons. Meet Krystalore Crews

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Season 170 Episode 6242

Former Buffalo Bills Cheerleader Rises From Wheelchair to Run Marathons. Meet Krystalore Crews

<p>Emmy Award Winning Interviewer, Aurea McGarry wants to introduce you to Krystalore Crews a veteran and a former NFL Cheerleader, who found herself confined to a wheelchair, but rose up from her circumstances and went from being unable to walk to running 25 marathons and a 50-mile race without the aid of medication.<br />
Find out exactly how she was able to overcome and all about the variety of tools she has to share with you to give YOU hope and encouragement to RISE UP TODAY TOO.<br />
&ldquo; We don&rsquo;t just &lsquo;arrive&rsquo; at a Limitless Lifestyle. Small movements lead to huge results. We must honor the journey, set intentions, and celebrate every step of the way.&rdquo;<br />
- Krystalore Crews</p>

