Get CELEBRITIZED - Women's Stories of Triumph with Guests Anna Sinclair & Jenn Aks-Neuman

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Season 170 Episode 6238

Get CELEBRITIZED - Women's Stories of Triumph with Guests Anna Sinclair & Jenn Aks-Neuman

This is a very special #podcast episode with sur-THRIVER STORIES of #hope!!
With Emmy Award-Winning interviewer, Aurea McGarry and her special guests:
Jenn Aks-Neuman founder of her Stories video art galleries.
Her mission is to Empower, Inspire, Create Community and Deepen our Compassion around the world through an artistic form of storytelling.
We believe that every Womxn deserves the opportunity to have their story be seen, heard, and celebrated.
#herStories reminds us that our stories have the power to #inspire and uplift
Womxn around the globe.
Anna Sinclaire founder of The Total Mom Show inc.
Total Mom produces transformative personal and professional programs & event experiences, products & resources that empower and support moms globally.
Say goodbye to the days where you do it all and then some. We have created a place where you are fully supported to focus on what you want.
Parenthood or growing a business was never meant to be experienced alone...and now you don't have to do it alone.

