S1 E8 - Aligned Performance

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S1 E8 - Aligned Performance

#LeadershipBeyondBurnout #burnoutrecovery #womeninleadership
Our guest on #LeadershipBeyondBurnout tomorrow is TRANG NOVA.
She shares how a brief moment, changed the trajectory of her life as she left a thriving practice as a sports physical therapist to become an aligned performance coach.
Trang is a mentor and speaker for women who are hungry to pivot careers and build their dream business, so they can live out their potential and purpose with freedom and fulfillment.
In her mid 20's, Trang experienced a quarter-life crisis that led her to leave the sports industry so she could help women not just as athletes, but as human beings.
Now, Trang is determined to help others step into their greatest power and thrive in their lives of impact. Because ultimately, she believes that when enough individuals are thriving, then humanity will thrive. And when humanity thrives, then the world can thrive for all forms of life and future generations.
#burnoutrecovery #womeninleadership #careerchange
