Season 28 Episode 12837
S1 Ep06 - Noelle Peterson
Women's Coach, Mentor and Author, Noelle Peterson, had a dream in 1998 to speak to Women from stage to empower them go beyond themselves. In her soul she knew that she had more to offer than just living through everyone else's life.
This mother, wife, minister, worship leader and business woman had a burning desire but she didn't think she had a story that others needed to hear. At the time she didn't realize that her wisdom and experience helped others every day. She had a purpose beyond and in addition to the walls of her home.
It wasn't until she found herself in the ICU that she realized that she had more to offer. During the her long recovery the seeds of Empower2Dream were planted in her soul.. Meet the superpower behind this life giving organization that empowers women to walk into their calling.
Meet the One Punch SuperStar who fought for her hopes and dreams and empowers other women to dream, hope and conquer.