S1E87 - Advanced Laws of Attraction Master Class pt.1 | Elisha Gabriell

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S1E87 - Advanced Laws of Attraction Master Class pt.1 | Elisha Gabriell

Elisha has been adventuring in the world of spiritual exploration since the age of 17 when she blew the lid off her life with the Universal Teachings of Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet. The Answers she’d been seeking were there! Her mind and heart exploded with both higher frequency and gratitude.
Elisha wrote her first book, “White Buffalo and the Rainbow Warrior”; in the late 80s, which details a period of initiation as Spirit-teachers visited to initiate Elisha into the realm of Sacred Earth Awareness. She was then honored and surprised to discover that this book was recommended by the North American Indian Council.
Today we sit with Elisha as she shares her wise incites into the Advanced Laws of Attraction and how you too can live the life of your dreams. Join her Master Class “Your Hero’s Journey” to embark on A 90 Day Odyssey to Your Impossible Dream Fulfilled!
Contact Elisha today at elishag3838@yahoo.com
