Breaking Free from Mental & Emotional Baggage

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Season 117 Episode 4136

Breaking Free from Mental & Emotional Baggage

<p>After +23 successful years in Corporate America and being impacted by a restructure, Brendaliz followed her heart and Pivoted to Entrepreneurship.<br />
After a traumatic head/neck injury in 2016, Brendaliz realized that she wanted to have a bigger impact in life, she wanted to follow her heart and leave corporate. However, no matter how motivated she felt, overthinking and fear would convince her that it wasn&#39;t the right time.<br />
She had lost her confidence and doubted her capabilities. She felt unworthy of the new path and success.<br />
In 2022 after losing her job her only option was to detox and break free from her emotional baggage to embrace her purpose, and by the end of the year, she became the Founder of Be You with Brendaliz, to empower women in corporate to breakthrough internal barriers to reclaim their ABS&#39;s: AUTHENTICITY with BOLDNESS, and CONFIDENCE and embrace Entrepreneurship.<br />
Founder of Her Journey, Her Way&mdash;From Corporate to Founder Live Podcast to share the stories of inspiring women who have transitioned to Entrepreneurship. She also hosts two collaborative audio rooms on LinkedIn: Knowledge is Power and The Women Circle for Corporate women who are currently seeking their purpose.<br />
Her journey from self-doubt to empowerment is not just her story; it&#39;s a path she has paved for clients<br />
Holistic Transformational Coach, Consultant, and Speaker. Master Practitioner of iNLP, Hypnosis, and Mental &amp; Emotional Release&reg; (MER&reg;). She is very passionate about energy and practices different modalities.<br />
Social Media- (I am working on an appointment landing page that I should have by Monday)<br />
<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />
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This is the link to the freebie: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>

