Season 117 Episode 4166
Sales Harmony - How to Pivot Your Offer with Integrity and Ease
Dr. Ali Griffith is a TedX Speaker, #1 bestselling author of Launch the Legacy, and business sales strategist. Her fiery energy and innate understanding of business and sales strategy has allowed her to lead support teams and share stages with titans such as Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Steve Harvey, and Lisa Nichols.
Her innovative approach seamlessly blends business strategy and personal development, allowing clients to maximize their time, talents, and profitability through a “One, Two, Three” method of simplifying overcomplicated sales processes.
An audiologist and speech pathologist by profession for almost 25 years, Dr. Ali is trained to hear people in order to feel them. And as a proud autism mom, for Zachary, also a best selling author, Dr. Ali knows firsthand the unique mindset hurdles faced by ambitious mothers and caretakers.
Whether they are wives, mothers, or career professionals seeking financial and time freedom, Dr. Ali helps women get to the heart of their true purpose in the world, and supports them on their profitable journey from barely visible to badass legacy brand owners.
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