S2E71- Power Hour TV Show - The Power of Purpose!

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S2E71- Power Hour TV Show - The Power of Purpose!

"Where passion meets impact, crafting a life filled with intention, clarity, and conviction—transforming dreams into reality!’ by Sanet Van Breda 

Show powered by CLA - Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential - Join the Global Movement of High Performers at Connected Leaders Academy for Unparalleled Growth, Influence, and Success! 

"The Power of Purpose" is a compelling exploration of how a clear and focused purpose can transform dreams into reality. This concept goes beyond mere ambition, emphasizing the strength that comes from knowing exactly what drives you. Purpose is the force that channels our energy, guiding us through challenges and propelling us toward our goals with unwavering determination. In 

"The Power of Purpose," you’ll discover how aligning your actions with your core purpose not only fuels personal growth but also creates a ripple effect of positive change in the world around you. This journey is about harnessing the true potential within, turning your vision into concrete achievements, and living a life that reflects your deepest values. Whether you're seeking clarity or already on your path, this exploration will inspire you to embrace the power of purpose in every aspect of your life 

Here is the link to the shows - https://www.youtube.com/@SelfLoveIgni... 

And if you'd like to support my work, you can do so by visiting: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/selflove4me 
Thank you for your continued support! 

Your Host Sanet Van Breda from Johannesburg South Africa 
President of Your Voice TV Network/Producer/ Publisher/ Author/Speaker/ Mentor. 
The voice of millions, providing space and stages for extraordinary souls to illuminate our world with their brilliance, wisdom, and transformative stories across all my platforms, TV shows, Diamond Moments Magazine, Soul Diamond Publishers and MWAH Production. My mission is dedicated to empowering communities, particularly Diamond Beauties Forever and Tanzanite Heroes. www.selflove4me.com. 

Laura Ballet 
Laura, a Global Ambassador for Life Transformational Empowerment and Human Awareness, empowers individuals to unleash their full potential through her expertise in Neuro-Energy coaching. With her revolutionary book, 'The Science of Empowerment', Laura guides clients to dissolve past challenges, reframe mindsets, and embrace unlimited potential, creating lasting happiness and well-being. https://thescienceofempowerment.com/ 
GN - Suspend all doubt and go for it 

Chris Burns 
Chris is a seasoned marketing consultant with over 20 years of experience, specializing in simplifying digital marketing to make it both effective and enjoyable. As a serial entrepreneur and digital marketing coach, Chris leverages his diverse expertise to help businesses stand out and achieve measurable success in a crowded marketplace. www.hustleleaders.com 

Nina Maglic 
Nina, a visionary marketing coach and healer, empowers fellow healers to build thriving, million-dollar brands that contribute to healing humanity through her proprietary Illuminated™ Experience. With 18 years of experience crafting groundbreaking campaigns for Fortune 500 companies and small businesses, Nina seamlessly blends marketing expertise, business acumen, and energy healing to guide her clients on a transformative journey towards creating impactful and prosperous healing empires. https://ninamaglic.com/ 
GN Be brave. Shine your light because the world needs that love and light inside you more than ever. 

Rich Hopkins 
Rich believes in the ‘WinAnyway! Life’ — Winning Anyway, Leading Anyway, Speaking Anyway — and more. He brings his audiences to both tears and laughter — teaching them through his own experiences as a father of six, an elective amputee, and more than 30 years in sales and marketing. https://www.richhopkins.com/ 
GN Moving forward daily into your Win Anyway Life! 

Christianna Carr 
Christianna Carr I call myself a WIRDO (Wonderful Indivinual Exuberantly Reflecting Divine Originality ;) And a Begin Within Guide, shinning a Light on the Divine inside. GrOwING slow and steady from in-divide-u-all (individual) to In-Divine-u-all (indivinual) Unlocking the gifts inside by keeping our inner child's alive. Give yourself time to laugh and play every day! Hey hey hey! 
GN Today's tears of sorrow water seeds of joy for tomorrow; you don't have to wait til tomorrow to feel the joy in today! 

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