Season 373 Episode 13170
S3E06 Power Hour TV Show - The Angel of Radiance!
As part of our beautiful Diamond Moments Magazine - https://selflove4me.com/diamond-moments/ bonus for being on our Global Heart Centred Magazine, you are being celebrated on the Power Hour TV Show. Please meet our Cover Story for the Month of February Issue 17 our beautiful Renée Ambarees Isermann. Renée Ambarees Isermann is more than just the founder of the transformative Yoga4Face® method; she is a guiding light for women seeking to rediscover their unique beauty and heal from within. With over 10,000 women touched by her wisdom and methods, Renée has spent the last seven years creating a movement that goes beyond skincare and facial exercises—it is a journey toward holistic empowerment.
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Here is the link to the shows - https://www.youtube.com/@SelfLoveIgni...
Your Host Sanet Van Breda - President of Your Voice TV Network/Producer/ Publisher/ Author/Speaker/ Mentor.
The voice of millions, providing space and stages for extraordinary souls to illuminate our world with their brilliance, wisdom, and transformative stories across all my platforms, TV shows, Diamond Moments Magazine, Soul Diamond Publishers and MWAH Productions. www.selflove4me.com.
Renée Ambarees Isermann
A Holistic FAcelift Angel and she is the founder of Yoga4Face® and has helped over 10.000 clients learn the ways to naturally rebalance their faces and reveal more natural beauty. The Yoga4Face® Method incorporates 4 key steps that are instrumental in helping women connect to their natural beauty: Facial Muscle Training, Essential Core Reset with essential oils, Mindset Clearing, and Intentional Breathing. https://www.yoga4face.com/en/
GN Yoga means: “To unfold your uniqueness on all levels of your being
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