S2E80- Power Hour TV Show The Call of Courage!
The Call of Courage!
Answering Life’s Greatest Challenges
"No setback is too great when you walk with courage every challenge becomes a stepping stone!" by Sanet Van Breda
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The root word for courage is the Latin word "cor," meaning "heart."
In its original meaning, courage was about living with one's heart, or acting from the heart. The word evolved over time, coming to mean bravery or the ability to confront fear, pain, or challenges. Today, courage is often defined as the mental or moral strength to face adversity, danger, or difficulty. But at its core, it still carries that sense of acting from a place of deep emotional strength and sincerity.
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Your Host Sanet Van Breda from Johannesburg South Africa
President of Your Voice TV Network/Producer/ Publisher/ Author/Speaker/ Mentor.
The voice of millions, providing space and stages for extraordinary souls to illuminate our world with their brilliance, wisdom, and transformative stories across all my platforms, TV shows, Diamond Moments Magazine, Soul Diamond Publishers and MWAH Production. My mission is dedicated to empowering communities, particularly Diamond Beauties Forever and Tanzanite Heroes. www.selflove4me.com.
Donna Sparaco
Donna Sparaco Meador- Speaker/ Author/ Women’s Dating Coach/ Founder of S.M.A.R.T. Dating. Donna helps single, soul-searching women learn how to magnetize and recognize before the fourth date, whether to continue or call it quits. Donna won the Soulful Speaker Summit 2023 “Greatest Soulful Speaker” award, wIth her husband won the Forbes Riley 2020 “Power Couple of Excellence” Award, has an app with the same name, and is Co-creator & Co-Host of the television show “THE MEADOR AFFECT” coming soon!” https://meadorandmeador.com/
GN - Looking for love where it is and not where it’s not, is just SMART Dating!
JF "Tiger" Moreau
JF "Tiger" Moreau, Canada. I am a coach, speaker and course creator dedicated to helping people develop a strong mindset, resilience, and achieve a fulfilling life. I meets them where they are, helps them feel and process emotions, change their state powerfully and create the life they deserve. https://www.jftiger.com/
GN Where there's a will, there's a way! Where there's emotion , there's power!
Dean Noblett
Reiki Master, Spiritual Teacher, Ascension Mentor & Life Empowerment Coach Host of a local Monthly Meditation Group and online Monthly Men’s Group, Co-Founder of HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart (established 2001), (In short: Dean is a “Wake Up Coach” who helps people remember who they really are and helps them recalibrate to a higher expression of themselves and inspires them to follow the prompts of their heart to live joyfully, and do something beautiful for themselves and others as a result!) HeartLight Media: www.heartlight.ca
Gn "It's all perfect!
Philip Mallourides
Philip Mallourides Speaker – Author – Award winning international Business Coach, a seasoned business and property expert with over 35 years of experience, turned his life around after facing significant adversity, including a wrongful conviction. Now a coach and mentor, he inspires others through his Goal Setting & Accountability Club, emphasizing the power of mindset, authenticity, and living in the present to achieve lasting success. https://www.activateyoursuccess.co.uk...
GN ‘Don’t create a solution but solve the problem’
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