S2E92- Power Hour TV Show - The Inner Voice Revolution!
"When you master your inner dialogue, you unlock the power to transform your outer world!” by Sanet Van Breda
Show powered by CLA - Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential - Join the Global Movement of High Performers at Connected Leaders Academy for Unparalleled Growth, Influence, and Success!
Self Talk is the ongoing inner conversation that shapes how we view ourselves and the world around us. It influences our confidence, motivation, and emotional well-being. Whether uplifting or self-critical, our internal dialogue can determine our success, happiness, and resilience. By becoming aware of our self-talk and learning to reframe it positively, we can build a supportive, empowering inner voice that fuels personal growth and self-love.
Here is the link to the shows - https://www.youtube.com/@SelfLoveIgni...
And if you'd like to support my work, you can do so by visiting: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/selflove4me
Thank you for your continued support!
Your Host Sanet Van Breda
President of Your Voice TV Network/Producer/ Publisher/ Author/Speaker/ Mentor.
The voice of millions, providing space and stages for extraordinary souls to illuminate our world with their brilliance, wisdom, and transformative stories across all my platforms, TV shows, Diamond Moments Magazine, Soul Diamond Publishers and MWAH Production. My mission is dedicated to empowering communities, particularly Diamond Beauties Forever and Tanzanite Heroes. www.selflove4me.com.
LoriKay Coleman
LoriKay Coleman is a brain rewiring success coach & spiritual architect who empowers individuals alleviating challenges and aligning with their divine potential. She provides 1:1 personalized sessions and offers a Success Membership group, where she facilitates brain rewiring activities through the STAR Transformational Method to create positive momentum toward desired goals. https://enlightenedlifepath.com/
JF "Tiger" Moreau
JF "Tiger" Moreau, Canada. I am a coach, speaker and course creator dedicated to helping people develop a strong mindset, resilience, and achieve a fulfilling life. I meets them where they are, helps them feel and process emotions, change their state powerfully and create the life they deserve. www.JFTiger.com
GN Where there's a will, there's a way! Where there's emotion , there's power!
Julie Fisher
Julie Fisher from Melbourne Australia raising awareness about the importance of inclusion
and acceptance for people living with a disability when in the community, and the effects it
can have when this doesn’t happen. I support families in the disability community with a local disability expo, a radio show and with my books sharing our journey. / juliedixie
GN Give People A Chance And Watch Them Shine
Zoltán Szentkirályi
Zoltán Szentkirályi, Life Coach at Breakthrough New Life, LLC, empowers faithful men with winning strategies to preserve their God given destiny against the devastation of false accusations in marriage. An unwavering advocate for men with relationship trauma, he challenges society and emboldens men to recognize unfair tactics of trauma entitlement waged against them, and the effect it has on children. He is passionate to shed light on the domestic violence narrative worldwide, to help men be victorious in their trials, restore their purpose, and step confidently into a future of renewed hope and dignity.. www.doctorzoltan.com
GN God loves you and He loves the way He made you unique; God has a great destiny for you; Believe! And you will achieve!
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