The Soul On Fire Show with Noelle Agape and Bri Gallagher Session 2 Episode 2

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The Soul On Fire Show with Noelle Agape and Bri Gallagher Session 2 Episode 2

Are you a Warrior, Healer, Visionary or Teacher? So often we get caught in an Identity that is not in alignment with our Soul's Purpose. There are many Archetype that our subconscious mind attaches to, yet there are 4 Primary Archetypes that our Soul longs to achieve. The Warrior, Healer, Visionary, or Teacher. This week's show will dive deep into the discussion of Identity and how attachment to your old Identity blocks you from expansion and growth. This is a show you do not want to miss!!! Get ready to Set Your Soul on Fire and Ignite the Passion Within. Noelle Agape- Health and Wellness Counselor/ NLP Master Trainer & Quantum Energy Trainer, along with Bri Gallagher- Holistic Entrepreneur, Certified Health Coach, and Quantum Energy Master Practitioner teach you how to connect Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit. Join us for a beautiful journey of healing within
