The Soul on Fire Show with Noelle Agape Season 3 episode 21

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The Soul on Fire Show with Noelle Agape Season 3 episode 21

"Join Noelle Agape and her Dear Friend and Soul Sister Alison Lager for an hour of Transformation. This week they will be doing a deep dive into the NeuroScience and Spiritually of transmuting Trauma into your Purpose.
Alison began her career in mental health over 30 years ago. She founded Lager Counseling Services on the principle that too many people live their lives in an automated state and never deal with the systemic issues that keep them repeating the same lives they have become accustomed to hating.
""It is time to stop hacking at the leaves to get to the root.""
Being tired of the traditional use of psychotherapy, Alison has differentiated her service from the rest. After being an influencer and sharing her knowledge on social media, Alison discovered the hidden needs of so many who didn't have access to the kind of help they needed. This sparked her desire to create""Alison Answers"". A platform that includes podcasts, digital programs, and online therapy designed to AWAKEN US ALL to our excellence with one goal: #MISSIONAWAKE
Alison’s primary passion is neuroscience and quantum
Physics and it’s relationship to her being a person of faith.
Encouraging those with traumatic histories into triumph
This heart warming show will bring so much awareness to the power of The Human Spirit. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS ONE. See you live on e360tv Wednesday @ 3:00 PST

