Season 48 Episode 1398
Dorothy M Ross - Season 3 Episode 40 Your Time to Shine
Would you like to explore your passions? Evaluate your life skills to a all new level. Are you ready to release negative energy?
Let's welcome Dorothy M Ross to the Your Time to Shine International Interview Series. She is a Pastor, Speaker, Midlife & Beyond Coach and Founder of Porch Talk Live.
In this inspirational episode Angel Marie your host will share with you how Dorothy shows up and Shines in service to others. Also, we will be giving golden nuggets to help you raise your energy and ignite your positive Shine ENERGY with ease and grace.
Free Gift | Golden Nuggets | Inspirational | Perceptive Shift | Dancing Fun | High Energy
#author #tvhost #shinewithangel #e360tv
#lifecoaching #interveiw #shineon #shineonshow