Season 48 Episode 1418
Jeannie Starr - Season 3 Episcope 14 Your Time to Shine
Are you ready for insights that will change your outlook of your life? Would you like to understand how Music therapy can change your world?
My guest on the Your Time to Shine Interview Series is Jeannie Starr who will inspire you! Also, I will be getting all the juicy tidbits from Jeannie about, the power of integrating Music therapy, Mentoring and Guided Imagery.
This amazing Shine On! Champion helps women and children who have experienced trauma or self doubt to be empowered. She is passionate about enabling them to step wholly into their true selves and live their dreams.
Come find out what awesome Free Gift that Jeannie has for you
Thank you for raising your vibration and being part of the Shine On Movement!
Change your Mindset, Energize your Life and Shine On!
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#inspirationalspeaker #eventenhancer #shineon