Regeline Gigi Sabbat Season 3 Episcope 16 Your Time To Shine

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Season 48 Episode 1454

Regeline Gigi Sabbat Season 3 Episcope 16 Your Time To Shine

Are you ready for insights that will change your perspective on life? Would you like to understand how to show up and increase your Shine? Then join me on Thursday for the Your Time to Shine International Interview Series TV Show. This will be a heartfelt conversation with my Featured Guest Regeline Sabbat also known as Gigi.

She is the CEO and Founder of Life Service Center of America, LLC, Motivational Keynote Speaker, 5x Best Selling Author of the " Walk With Me" and " God First" books that have been endorsed by Les Brown.

This amazing Shine On! Champion helps people who have experienced trauma or abuse to be empowered. She is passionate about enabling them to step wholly into their true selves and live their dreams.

Come find out what awesome Free Gift that Gigi has for YOU!

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