Irene Mazzei - Season 3 Episcope 21 Your Time to Shine

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Season 48 Episode 1413

Irene Mazzei - Season 3 Episcope 21 Your Time to Shine

Would you like to have more joy and balances in your life? My Special Guest on the Your Time to Shine International Interview Series is Irene Mazzei who will inspire you with her divine healing energy!

Irene Mazzei is a Divine Psychic & Past Life Reader, Practical Life Coach & Certified Reiki Practioner. She facilitates energy healing, and provide divine guidance to all who seek a more joyful, balanced life.

Come get your awesome Free Gift that Irene has for you!!

Thank you for raising your vibration and being part of the Shine On Movement!

Change your Mindset, Energize your Life and Shine On!

#energyhealing #shineonmovement #e360tv #reiki

#inspirationalspeaker #eventenhancer #shineon

