S1E10 - Hello Universe Are You Listening?

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Season 136 Episode 9968

S1E10 - Hello Universe Are You Listening?

Have you ever wondered why you don’t have what you want yet after doing all the things? You’ve made your vision board, mediated on it, built an alter, felt the passion for it in your body, focused on it daily and took action when opportunity arrived, yet you still don’t what what you want yet???

This is the point where you might decide something is wrong with you or that the Universe, God, All That Is, Your Higher Self - whatever you call it - is not listening to you. Or is out to get you or ….worse that you are not deserving of it yet.

In today’s show we’re going to talk about why this is not the case. The Universe is actually listening quite closely to you and is conspiring on your behalf. The question is which part of you is speaking the loudest for the Universe to hear?
This is the point where you might decide something is wrong with you or that the Universe, God, All That Is, Your Higher Self - whatever you call it - is not listening to you. Or is out to get you or ….worse that you are not deserving of it yet.

In today’s show we’re going to talk about why this is not the case. The Universe is actually listening quite closely to you and is conspiring on your behalf. The question is which part of you is speaking the loudest for the Universe to hear?

