Season 136 Episode 5039
S1E2 - Dispelling Money Beliefs
Money reveals how you engage with the world, how much you will allow yourself to have, and how easily you will allow yourself to have what you want…or how much struggle you subconsciously believe you need to “deserve” what you desire. Yes, Money shines a light on how much struggle you subconsciously believe you need to deserve your Money or your success.
In this show we focus on revising the un-useful subconscious beliefs that keep you stuck, keep you repeating sabotaging patterns over and over…we do this so you can have more of what is important to you with more ease, certainty, freedom and fun.
There are some beliefs that people hold as true, and you too may even consider some of these beliefs to be true….yet when you hold these specific beliefs as The Truth - then it can cause so much more struggle, hardship, pain and drag on having what is important to you.
In today’s show I want to address these beliefs and dispel them so that you can choose the beliefs you’d rather have instead. You know beliefs that are more supportive of you having what is most important to you.
Whether it be more money, more success, abundance, more clarity or certainty in your life, more freedom to be yourself, ease and daily joy or even more self appreciation - or more directly…to know your worth. Let’s dispel these beliefs that limit you from having more of what you want in the ways you want it.In this show we focus on revising the un-useful subconscious beliefs that keep you stuck, keep you repeating sabotaging patterns over and over…we do this so you can have more of what is important to you with more ease, certainty, freedom and fun.<br />
There are some beliefs that people hold as true, and you too may even consider some of these beliefs to be true….yet when you hold these specific beliefs as The Truth - then it can cause so much more struggle, hardship, pain and drag on having what is important to you.<br />
In today’s show I want to address these beliefs and dispel them so that you can choose the beliefs you’d rather have instead. You know beliefs that are more supportive of you having what is most important to you.<br />
Whether it be more money, more success, abundance, more clarity or certainty in your life, more freedom to be yourself, ease and daily joy or even more self appreciation - or more directly…to know your worth. Let’s dispel these beliefs that limit you from having more of what you want in the ways you want it.</p>