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Season 10 Episode 23

S2 E27 - Martina Wall,Martina Health and Wellness

Martina Wall is a mom, wife, author, motivational speaker, yoga teacher, chakra healer & body positive advocate. Her journey started at her lowest point...losing almost 100 lbs and thinking that was the key to happiness. She realized that she hated her body just as much as she did 100lbs heavier. Martina went on a inner healing journey where she discovered that she needed to love herself first. She needed to take care of all the pieces of me...mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually. Martina became a plus size yoga teacher and overcame so much negative self-talk about being an yogis didn't look like me. She persevered and created a yoga community for all abilities and body types. Through all her healing she realized that something was missing in this world. An approach to health that ditched diet culture and actually connected people back to their bodies. Martina created the self-love at any size method...where she takes a balance approach to wellness.

