We Can't Change What We Don't Know - KATHLYN CARNEY
Kathlyn Carney is an author, podcast host, Nutrition Education student at American University, and Teach for America alumna. Kathlyn published her first book, We Can’t Change What We Don’t Know – How I Started to Think of Food as Medicine, in 2019 after seeing consequences of unhealthy diets and lifestyles in her personal and professional life. She is currently working on season 1 of her podcast, Connecting the Dots, that is set to launch by the end of this year. Connecting the Dots explores many of the different ways that we can achieve health and wellness in our Western society. Kathlyn studied broadcast journalism and psychology at University of Maryland, College Park, and earned a Master’s in Education at Southern Methodist University. Kathlyn views herself as a continuous learner and plans to keep exploring optimal health practices. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, trying new restaurants with friends and family, and traveling.
Wouldn’t it be great to not dread the alarm clock? To wake up with ease and start off your day HAPPY? We are going to be discussing the tips and tricks to make this your reality. Life is not something you should have to survive. Life should be experienced as the blessing that it is- even when things aren’t going your way. So, join me on Monday and discover how you can start looking forward to waking up and living your life. It isn’t just a pipe dream!
Amy Denson is a retired professional athlete who was diagnosed with her 2nd autoimmune disorder in 2016. She went from playing professional basketball all over the world to battling professional fatigue and not recognizing herself in the mirror. From her rock bottom moment, she felt a nudge that told her there had to be a better way & she relied on her mindset built within her athletic career to pave the way to feeling like herself again--and even better! Currently, she’s certified as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) & Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP), specializing in thyroid health, striving to support women in advocating for their health, getting their energy back, and feeling like themselves again.
Susan Williams is the founder of Eating Disorder Prevention of Southern California. She was a Registered therapeutic counselor in Vancouver, BC, Canada and is a Certified Intuitive eating and mindfulness counselor. She is also smart recovery certified. Susan celebrates recovery after a 25 year long battle with an eating disorder. She understands full well the disease as well as the shame and secrecy involved with it. Susan is passionate about the prevention of Eating disorders and has been giving back to the community of Southern California for many years through her school/university presentations educating the youth of Socal about the hazards of dieting/restricting behaviors. Susan was fortunate to have had Evelyn Tribole, R.D, as her Supervisor and Mentor. Evelyn Tribole, is one of the founding pioneers of the model of Intuitive eating and co-wrote the groundbreaking book, “Intuitive Eating”; with Elyse Resch, R.D. Susan has successfully opened and facilitated her own EDA (Eating Disorder Anonymous) meetings in San Diego, California. While in Vancouver, BC she spent time assisting and supporting women in recovery and domestic violent situations and is passionate about giving back to the community. Her history includes a strong background in public service. She published a book documenting her journey through dieting behaviors and her eating disorder in 2018: Fed up with diets: Discover a new beginning through intuitive eating. Susan's passion for eating disorder prevention is the driving force behind this non profit and its mission to prevent more sufferers of eating disorders in the future.
Andrew Wallis is the Founder of Andrew Wallis Consultancy. He is a heart-fueled Business Mentor, Marketing Coach & Mindset Coach, empowering fitness business owners to make an impact doing what they love! He helps local fitness business owners generate consistently high-quality leads through inbound and local marketing. He specializes in proven, long-term effective marketing, sales, and management techniques that get real traction resulting in highly qualified leads and a sound foundation for growth for personal trainers, studios, and independent gym owners.
David Medansky, a non-practicing lawyer, is an international best-selling author, and known as the Anti-Diet Advocate. At age 61, David was fat and told by my doctor he had a 95% chance for a fatal heart attack. David's doctor told him to find a new doctor because he did not believe David could lose weight and he did not want him dying on his watch. During the next four months David shed 50 pounds, 25% of his total body weight. He learned how to reduce weight without going on a diet, counting calories, or exercising. David understands your frustrations if you ever failed to lose weight on a diet because he tried every diet imaginable without success. And, if he did lose weight on a diet, he could not keep it off. David is not a medical doctor nor a health professional. However, as a lawyer, David spent his career seeing both sides of the fence. Honest people and dishonest people. And when it comes to the food and weight loss industries, sadly there are more dishonest people than there are those telling the truth. That’s what makes losing weight so difficult. We see labels telling us it’s low fat but that same food is high in sugar. While it’s true that sugary foods are “fat free,” what the label fails to tell you is sugar causes fat to form inside your body later. Then there’s all these vegan friendly foods. Sounds healthy but they are filled with chemicals, dyes and artificial preservatives. Oreo Cookies are a vegan food! Just like he had to read the fine print when he practiced law, he is now reading and exposing the fine print on food labels and diet programs.
Where Does Wellness Actually Begin? - DREW MERCOURIS
Drew Mercouris is a dynamic personal development speaker, successful entrepreneur, and coach, as well as a former standup comedian. After nearly 20 years as a fitness professional, personally helping people achieve their health and wellness goals, Drew decided to expand his impact by becoming a personal development speaker and coach. Drew helps people improve the quality of their life through increasing their self-awareness, aligning their conscious and subconscious thoughts, and helping them understand their mind-body connection. Drew presents powerful keynotes, seminars, and workshops, for companies, associations, and private groups.
Stress, anxiety, and fear oh my! What can we do when these emotions rear their ugly heads? Most of us KNOW tools to either help alleviate OR prevent these feelings from getting out of control but we just don't seem to use them. Or we forget in the moment what our tools are. We are going to be discussing how to go from having a clue to actually helping ourselves navigate life more easily. Enough of giving up on our goals because we're stressed! New Year, new possibilities!!
Lois Hollis, RN BSN REV, shifts our opinion on one of the most forbidden subjects, shame and guilt. Depression, anxiety, 30 years of migraine headaches, and pain were Lois’ life until she learned the dangers of shameguilt (not shame and guilt.) She shares her 15 years’ experience as a ShameGuilt Educator, Counselor, Filmmaker to offer health and spiritual maturity. Lois entered the health field as a Nurse's Aide at 12 and continues today at 78. As a trailblazer, she developed one of the first Kidney Hemodialysis centers in the USA. Today, she establishes shameguilt as an independent study. Lois’ film Out of Discord Into Harmony teaches us HOW to communicate with emotions and inner critic. “I’M Good Film” makes shameguilt visible to illustrate its trickery and how to kick it out. She is the author of three books and podcasts. “Now is The Time,” a collection of her soul readings, helps us stop the negative shameguilt energy.
WEBSITE https://www.loishollis.com/
FILMS https://www.imgoodfilm.com/
PODCASTS https://www.loishollis.com/podcasts-loishollis/
Have you ever spent the whole day being lazy and STILL felt tired? Unmotivated? I know I have! We’re going to be talking about what’s REALLY behind this and how to overcome it. Wouldn’t it be great to live with enthusiasm everyday? Excited to get up and get to it? With the new year around the corner, let’s put some new life systems in place so that you can start living this way regularly! It is possible.
Just Going Through The Motions? - with Julie Ann Meyer
Do you find yourself just going through the motions? Finding it hard to get up in the morning because it’s like groundhogs day? Life doesn’t have to be BORING- even if you can’t change much about your day to day life. We can find JOY and enjoyment on a daily basis, wake up excited to get out of bed, and live an intentional life. It just takes realizing where we are, how our thoughts are keeping us stuck, and how to really start experiencing all that life has to offer- again! Join us on Monday to start looking at life differently.
Over the past few years, Sherry Diamond has transformed her health and lost 103 pounds. This encouraged her to create the Balance 4 Life program. This program provides you with the tools to eat cleaner, feel better and eliminate unnecessary medications related to high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Sherry wants to show you how life was really meant to be and how to live life from the inside out no matter your age or ailments
Amber Stevens is a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Mindful Eating Instructor and Licensed Massage Therapist. Her award-winning work has helped hundreds of people live a boundless life, free from physical and emotional pain. Amber has a daily practice of mindfulness meditation and has used mindfulness to overcome stress-related health issues from professional burn-out.
Amber is also the Founder of Boundless Body and Wellness (in Colorado, USA), an International Speaker and Author of Food, Feelings and Freedom: The End to Emotional Eating. Amber is a member of The Center for Mindful Eating and guest Instructor at Nutrition Therapy Institute. Amber is passionate about helping others to end their health struggle, finding peace with food and loving themselves!
Learn more about Amber on her website or through her social media links. Her book is available through her site. Amber works out of her office in Arvada, Colorado or virtually.
You can find her at:
Website: www.YouAreBoundless.com
Facebook: @Amber.Stevens.You.Are.Boundless
Instagram: www.instagram.com/amberstevens.boundless/
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/amber-stevens-81b6b41a/
The book is available on her website at: https://www.youareboundless.com/book/
The Dangers of the Comfort Zone - with Julie Ann Meyer
Is it your goal to be comfortable? Most people think that is something to aspire to BUT there’s a real danger in thinking this way. It’s been said that the enemy of great is good. What if I told you that something extraordinary was waiting for you just outside of your comfort zone? Would you have the courage to step out of it? We’re going to be talking about what the comfort zone is, how it sneaks up on you, and how to step out of it. The new year is just around the corner… Why not stretch yourself and make it the best year yet?
The Challenges Of Western Medicine - SNIGDHA NANDIPATI
Snigdha Nandipati is a patient advocate, writer, and recent Neuroscience graduate from Yale University. Her work and thought leadership is focused on fostering relationships across different disciplines, cultures, and belief systems to create impactful change. Snigdha’s professional experiences as a scientific researcher and medical assistant, coupled with her personal values as a Telugu- and Hindu-American, have encouraged her to explore these intersections of medicine, culture, language, and spirituality.
Snigdha is the author of A Case of Culture, a non-fiction book that explores how people from different cultures navigate the challenges of Western medicine. She decided to write this book with the hopes of better understanding the struggles that immigrant patients face in seeking healthcare and finding a solution to break down these barriers. The solution she’s found? Cultural brokership.
Outside of her writing & healthcare endeavors, Snigdha loves making music, trying new vegetarian recipes, watching Telugu movies with her family, and reading spoilers on Wikipedia.
Top Holistic Healing Modalities - VISHNUPRIYA ARISTO
Vishnupriya Aristo is the Founder of the ZeroPoint Holistic Healing Center. She is a Holistic Healing Practitioner certified in multiple healing modalities such as Thetahealing, Access Consciousness, Soul Plan Reading, Reiki Healing, Joyous Body Protocol, Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy, Rapid Transformational Therapy, Certified Money Coach (CMC), etc. The ZeroPoint Holistic Healing Center has teamed up with the Best Holistic Healing Practitioners in the world combining the Top Holistic Healing Modalities to provide a complete body, mind and soul healing for clients all around the world. Vishnupriya has formulated a unique 11-Day Full Body Therapy for clients which is a proprietary blend of Energy medicine plus alternative therapeutic techniques that is creating miracles in people's lives. So far, we have healed people with Arthritis, Asthma, Constipation, Knee Pain, Back Pain, Foot Swelling, Headaches, Insomnia among many other health conditions for people all over the globe by offering sessions online.
There's More To Giving Birth Than Giving Birth - KERRY TUSCHHOFF
Founder and Director of Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis, Kerry Tuschhoff is a nationally renowned speaker and writer on a wide range of women's pregnancy and childbirth concerns. Her subjects include prenatal and childbirth choices, informed consent issues, health and low-risk status concerns, comfort in childbirth, the power of birth language and midwifery advocacy. As a childbirth educator for 30 years, a doula and hypnotherapist, Kerry has developed many educational programs for birthing mothers, medical and childbirth professionals and hypnotherapists. These efforts have become immensely popular and have started a chain-reaction of interest to change the way women give birth, how newborns are cared for, and the way natural childbirth is perceived by the general public as well as the medical community. Kerry created a very comprehensive natural childbirth program of her own; Hypnobabies Childbirth
Education. This unique program has trained hundreds of thousands of women to use medical-grade hypnosis techniques and give birth unmedicated in a much easier and more comfortable way.
How much protein do you really need? Is gluten actually bad for you? What about dairy? Why can’t I stop eating sugar? Julie Ann is getting down to business and sharing with you the basics of nutrition. If you’ve been asking yourself any of these questions then you won’t want to miss this episode!
Robert Peterson is the host of the Add Value 2 Entrepreneurs Podcast and co-founder of Add Value 2 Life Coaching. Robert helps entrepreneurs shift their mindset and reach their dreams.
Robert started out in Christian Ministry as a church planter, pastor, and mentor. He began his own entrepreneurial journey after 20 years in ministry and aimed to help individuals use the
tools he’d gathered. Robert is trained in conflict coaching, relationship coaching, speaking, training and coaching. He uses his vast tool box to coach business owners as they struggle and aim to grow their businesses to the next level. With over 20 years of coaching leaders, Robert offers a unique perspective guiding professionals to get out of their own way as he helps them see what is written on the instructions outside the box that they’re sitting in.