Season 328 Episode 11436
#Healit S2EP5 | Heal It with A Search for Sanity | Evelyn Leite | Ken D Foster
If you or someone you love are among the 19.4 million people who suffer alcohol or drug addiction,you’ll want to meet our next guest. This unvarnished, raw recount of the various ways and many years the author suffered, can serve as the understanding and validation you need. As her story reveals, the initial “escape” alcohol offers, quickly brings compounding issues setting the person on a path of denial that can lead to destruction. If you doubt God’s love, and desperately need someone who can understand your struggles you’ll want to listen to this guest.
Show Benefits:
~ Learn how to combat addiction issues
~ Understand cultural differences
~ Find the catalyst for changing your life
Broadcast Bio:
A featured speaker and active member of Christian Women Speakers, Evelyn has written 18 book and has more than 35 years of diverse counseling experience, specializing in in healing trauma, understanding relationship dynamics, improving communication, and overcoming addictions. Highly regarded for her seminars in multicultural counseling and education, she gives special attention to issues with people from varying cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
#healit #kendfoster #EvelynLeite #Addiction #Catalyst #multicultural #relaionships #abuse #sanity
Website: evelynleite.com
Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B001KCGHJ0
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@EvelynLeiteAuthor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivingWithSolutions
Episode links:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/YRcKEaZUZwE
Spotify: https://shorturl.at/itzX3
iTunes: https://shorturl.at/jpvIY
Amazon: https://shorturl.at/bowxH
iHeart: https://shorturl.at/aktH7
Ken D Foster (Social Media):
Facebook: facebook.com/kendfoster1
Twitter: twitter.com/KennethFoster
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/kendfoster
Heal It (Social Media):
Facebook: facebook.com/healitshowofficial
Instagram: instagram.com/healitofficial
Youtube: youtube.com/@healitofficial